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Designing the correct energy and water strategy for your buildings and homes takes a firm like Energeia Alternatives LLC that looks at your project holistically

The EA team has had success in reducing energy
consumption with all organizations in the real estate market
place. Co-Housing is our newest focus. Join the wave of
innovative housing alternatives that is changing the way we


What is Cohousing?

Cohousing is an intentional community of private homes clustered around shared space. The term originated in Denmark in late 1960s. [2] Each attached or single-family home has traditional amenities, including a private kitchen. Shared spaces typically feature a common house, which may include a large kitchen and dining area, laundry, and recreational spaces. Shared outdoor space may include parking, walkways, open space, and gardens. Neighbors also share resources like tools and lawnmowers. 


Households have independent incomes and private lives, but neighbors collaboratively plan and manage community activities and shared spaces. The legal structure is typically a homeowner association or housing cooperative. Community activities feature
regularly-scheduled shared meals, meetings, and workdays. Neighbors gather for parties, games, movies, or other events. Cohousing makes it easy to form clubs, organize child and elder care, and carpool. Cohousing facilitates interaction among
neighbors and thereby provides social, practical, economic benefits.

In our process, we work with shareholders, boards and property managers to learn about your property. From there we find the energy savings that are possible and then produce the following:


Cooperative Building Process

STEP #1 - Energy & Building Review – A complete analysis of your site and it’s:


  • Envelop upgrades of energy savings;

  • Mechanical assessments;

  • Alternative energy opportunities, plus local and Federal Incentives;

  • General building systems review;

  • Expansion opportunities in the building and with the site;

  • The projected energy savings from our recommendations;

  • Similar to an ASHREA I engineering study. â€‹

We want to incorporate into our study alternatives for the individual homes to reduce their energy costs. As well as convert responsivity for all energy costs switched over to the occupant.


“It has been proven that when utilities are the responsibility of the tenant/Owner they are immediately reduced 20 to 25% without any upgrades being applied.” A long applied energy efficiency axiom. 


Step #2 - The Work Detail – After discussions and approval with the projects decision makers the Energeia Team is engaged to produce a budget of costs:


  • From the Energy Review;

  • Collect Prices from qualified trades contractors for the work specified – Budget;

  • Collect Utility Bills from Cooperative for base building expenses as well as individual units in a targeted property for energy reduction;

  • The estimated energy and general building upgrades costs;

  • Itemized incentives for all work both local and Federal;

  • Applied Alternative Energy costs, incentives applied to the plan;

  • The potential for financing or investment by our partners for all aspects of the work desired. 


Step #3 – Preliminary Financing/Investment Commitment – Once a full Work Detail is provided that document will provide an estimated energy savings from the upgraded energy design. Along with an initial detailed budget for all costs this should be enough documentation for our investors and lenders to offer a Preliminary Letter of Commitment to the job.


Step #4 – Independent Energy Engineer – Is retained to confirm budgetary costs and then confirm projected energy savings for a buildings energy upgrade. On the Energy side this is what is required for the financing/investment commitment from our financial partners.


Step #5 – Design and MEP Drawings – Upon final commitment from investors/lenders the necessary plans are drawn and submitted for local code approval.


Step #6 – Energy Investment/Financing Closing - 60 Days from Final Documentation. All feasibility, design, approval fees incurred in the process are reimbursable to the property owner at the time of our energy efficiency financing. These costs are wrapped into the energy savings, Depending on the structure of the project most of these transactions are – Fixed rate – amortized over up to 20 years, do not require personal or corporate guarantees and are not carried on a company’s financial statement. NOT DEBT – Tied into the expense budget of a buildings operation. 


Step #7 – Design Compliance – Construction Management of the construction process to ensure all energy saving systems and practices are being maximized to the design specifications of the plans and permits. These fees for project compliance are included in the energy investment/financing. 

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